Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Year of Rooster 雞年 2017 chicken singing "Let It Go"

Below are 3 versions: (1) less chicken singing, (2) more chicken singing and (3) pure chicken singing. The animated clip is from a 1938 Disney film. It seems the animation was pretty good at that time. "Let It Go" is the theme song from the movie Frozen.

(1) Since some people found chicken singing annoying, so I put back some original singer's voice in the song.
Youtube let me publish it, however, advertisements will appear in the video. (2) 2nd revised version: put back less original singer's voice. Still advertisements will appear in the video. My original version: The song is sung by a chicken. No advertisements will appear in the video.

My final version for Chinese New Year greeting videos are mix of chicken and Elsa's singing plus some Chinese songs. There are a few versions for people to choose. To watch, click to the playlist on Youtube.

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