Saturday, January 30, 2016

China from above 鳥瞰中國

Below is a playlist with 16 videos. To watch them on Youtube window with sidebar, click here.

Full-length videos are blocked in Youtube. So I uploaded them in Vimeo.
(1) China From Above-The Living Past:

(2) China From Above-The Future is Now:
I only uploaded Shanghai and Chinawood from this video.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Learn Chinese the easy way

The year of monkey is almost here (Feb. 8). I have presented some ancient Chinese characters for friends. I thought one can actually learn Chinese very easy by looking at how they were originated. I picked 5 simple characters and our last names: Woo and Hsia.

There are reports recently about rock pictograms by American Indians being 3300 year old writings of Shang people. I consider it's a mistake. The reason is that in ancient scripts the king and ordinary person stretch their arms out differently (see below).

Big - front view of a person
Sky - a person under a top
Stand - a person on floor
King - a person with arms stretched out straight
Woo - a tilted head person, later a mouth was added
Hsia - a monkey (false); a graceful or dancing person
Person - side view of a person

Shell-bone scripts - more than 3000 years old, unearthed ~100 years ago
Bronze scripts - less than 3000 year old, mostly recently unearthed
Cantonese: one of oldest Chinese; Mandarin: newest Chinese

* Woo without mouth is thought to be a variant of 吳 by more and more scholars.
If true, the name King Woo (王吳) appeared 3300 years ago written on shell-bone.
Wu nation: ~1100(?)-473BC (called Woo King like now);  Wu (of 3 kingdoms): 229-280AC.
Simplified Woo is 吴, confused with ancient Sky (see above, empty rectangle is not a mouth).

** Hsia's shell-bone script as a monkey was implied in China's 1st dictionary (~1900 year ago).
I consider it's a mistake. This is a big deal because Hsia means Chinese people (Hua Hsia 華夏).
Hua and Hsia were interchangeable in ancient scripts. Hua is part of the name of China today.

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